Finding the Right Aged Care Chair for Promoting Comfort and Mobility

20 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to aged care, maintaining comfort, promoting mobility and ensuring safety are key concerns. Each makes a significant contribution to an older person's quality of life. Using aged care chairs, it's possible to adapt a person's home so that they're comfier and more independent. To ensure this happens, it's important to find the right one.

Why Seating is Important

Everyone depends on seating in their daily lives. As you age, the quality and functional aspects of seating become increasingly important. Having the right seating reduces pressure sores, makes it easier to stand and promotes rest throughout the day. The right chairs may also encourage better circulation and posture, resulting in an overall enhanced sense of well-being.

Ergonomic Design

Aged care chairs feature ergonomic designs that meet the needs of their users. Key features may include having a backrest that supports the spine's curvature and enough padding to reduce the risk of pressure sores. Other design factors might include adjustable backs and armrests, which also promote comfort and reduce the risk of pressure sores. Another ergonomic aspect is how well a chair reclines. Chairs that have a sufficient enough recline to support napping make it easier to boost energy throughout the day.

Mobility Features

Some chairs promote independence by making it easier for users to stand up. For example, they can gently tilt forward to move users from a seated to a standing position. Such features make it easier to mobilise. Other chairs might simplify transferring from a chair to a wheelchair or walking aid. Having the right mobility features is important for promoting independence, which is an essential factor in increasing anyone's well-being. 

Material Quality

Aged care chairs often see more use than everyday seating. As such, they require high-quality materials that support their use. Having high-quality materials means that a chair may last longer. It's important to look for material features such as if they are kind to sensitive skin and if they're easy to clean. If pressure sores are a concern, it's important to look for pressure relief materials.

Wherever possible, it's wise to test an aged care chair before purchasing it. Many manufacturers have showrooms that are ideal for trying out specific chairs. When you can't try a specific chair, you might be able to test-drive a feature that the manufacturer is advertising. Taking your time in choosing a chair during the decision-making process increases your likelihood of finding one that's the right fit for you. For more information about aged-care chairs, reach out to a local supplier.
